Sunday, January 31, 2010

February 2010 Mailing

A quick note to let you know that my awesome bro Greg just sent out the mailing addresses for the February mailing — be sure to check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

Happy mailing!

(the lovely photo is by Tony Triolo, via Beauty in Everything)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

In some ways the BPS project is rather like having a garden — continual tending is required, but the resulting blooms are a rich reward. To keep up with the growth, I've now got a lovely group of BPS volunteer members (assistant gardeners, if you will) who are helping out tremendously by generously sending extra postcards when needed — thanks so much again to all who answered the call!

With the volunteers taking care of extra mailings, I can now focus more on something I've had an eye on for a while — weeding. In any project like this, there will inevitably be a few people who (for one reason or another) neglect to do their share. It really makes me sad to hear about the disappointment of BPS members who, while diligently sending out postcards each month, don't receive a postcard in return — sometimes several postcards. We've lost a few people who've become disillusioned about this, and though the wonderful volunteers are now helping out here, the key to sorting this out is — weeding.

So — do please keep letting me know if by the end of the month you haven't received a postcard. This is the only way I can flag any repeat offenders and learn if there's a problem (and not just an occasional postcard lost in the post). I want to make sure that each BPS member is a happily participating member — this project is, after all, about giving. Let's make sure that we're sharing the love!


(lovely photograph from souvenirs, via we heart it)

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Timed Postcard

Here's a fascinating postcard concept — one that literally counts the days from mailing to delivery! Created by Tel Aviv-based designers Tal Mor and Shlomi Azulayut of dag-designlab, the postcard timer is set by the sender just before being posted. When the recipient receives it, they stop the timer — and the exact length of time it took the postcard to travel is preserved. Such a fun idea. More here.

Thanks so much to lovely BPS member Shlomit for sending me the link!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Valentine Card Swap

Want to share the love in February? Lovely BPS member Carina is organizing a fun Valentine Card Swap through her great blog — crow and canary! If you'd like to participate, you'll need to sign up by midnight (PST) January 29. Find out all about the details here.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Big Hearts Wanted

Are you extra generous? Do you love to help out and make someone happy? I'm looking for BPS members who would be willing to be on call to send an extra postcard or two occasionally when the postal service fails to deliver — or to cover when the occasional glitch happens (such as when someone leaves the BPS but doesn't tell us until a month or so later). If you're interested, email me and let me know. Thanks so much — I know that somebody will heart you for it!


(lovely photo by Kristi on Beauty in Everything)

Grand Opening!

I'm happy to tell you about the grand opening of lovely BPS member Hedy's new online shop — Tuulikki Titine! Not only will you find these super cute hand made owls there, but also lovely jewelry, fun little bags — and she's doing a postcard service, too! Do go and check it out — you'll love it. Hedy also has a great blog, too!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vote for Stitchface!

The utterly charming Stitchface, one of the cutest Etsy shops ever, has been nominated for a Poppy Award on the influential PoppyTalk blog! If you'd like to support Danielle, a fellow BPS member (and one of the most fun people I know), head over here to cast your vote before midnight on January 26.

P.S. Shown above is the Check Jackalope — visit Stitchface to see more wonderful little creatures, too!

What's New

If you've emailed me recently, rest assured that I'll be responding as soon as I can — I've just been up to my eyeballs in deadlines, so work has been taking up all my time over the last few days. Stay tuned!

(lovely photo from elle decoration, via the fabric of my life)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Helping Out

Like everyone else, I've been deeply saddened by the tragic earthquake in Haiti and have been looking for ways to contribute my own small share to the Haitian relief effort. I'll be participating in a local art auction (all proceeds going to Haiti relief) and, from now until February 15 2010, 50% of the money earned from each sale on my automatism atelier shop on Etsy will go to the Red Cross. If you're also doing something to contribute and want to share (or need our help), please feel free to leave a message in the comments to this post. Thanks.

(lovely photo by Anne Acaso, via we heart it)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Member Giveaway!

Lovely BPS member Rachel currently has not one but TWO giveaways on her Number 8 blog! The first is a fantastic box of vintage paper ephemera that includes "everything from antique magazine pages, music sheets, children's illustrations, fake money and monopoly cards, cigar bands, stamps, joss paper and much much more" — perfect for making your own postcards.

The second giveaway is your choice of one of two lovely 8 1/2" x 11" giclee seashell photo prints — one of a grouping of seashells printed on luster paper, the other a beautiful piece of coral on matte finish paper.

Hurry over here before January 18 for a chance to win!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Have you heard of the intriguing PostSecret project? To quote from the site: "PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard." The results are funny, sad, thoughtful, poignant, hilarious, dark, cranky and/or a complex mix of emotions — and a little window into the souls of strangers. Have a look here. Note: some of the postcards are NSFW or suitable for the kiddies.

Thanks so much to lovely BPS member Olga for sending me the link!

(shown above is a submission to PostSecret)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

BPS Café — January 2010

If you've received a January postcard from a sender who prefers to remain tantalizingly mysterious, you can still say thank you! Members can leave a comment here to let other members know how much they appreciate the postcard they've received.

Note: If you've just received your December postcard and would like to thank the sender, you can still leave a comment in the December BPS Café post! For earlier postcards that have finally arrived, please check out the quick links to the appropriate BPS Café in the Related Links section on the right.

(photograph via nom nom nom)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

BPS Flickr News!

Now that things are beginning to calm down a little around here, I'd like to open up the BPS Flickr group so that members can post their own postcard photos. If you'd like to upload your own pix, email me and I'll send you an invite for the BPS Flickr group!

P.S. Did you see Hedy's sweet New Year comment below? If you still haven't received a December postcard, be sure to check out her lovely and generous offer!

(the lovely photograph is by Kathryn of perfectbound via oh hello friend)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Postcard Teas

I think we've just discovered the spiritual home of the BPS. It's Postcard Teas in London, and owner Timothy d'Offay is not only a dealer in rare and fine teas from all over the world, but a fanatical postcard collector, too. He even offers an amazing service called the Tea Postcard — choose the one you’d like to send (available as an option for any of their teas), write a message and address on the virtual postcard, and it will be printed and mailed (along with your chosen tea) to anywhere in the world. Sounds like the perfect gift for more than one BPS member ...

Thanks so so much to BPS member Julie, who sent me the lovely email about Postcard Teas — and has a great post about this wonderful shop on her own lovely blog rock @ lulu!

A New Year

Happy New Year! Hope that 2010 will be filled with all good things for you. A quick update — the addresses for the January 2010 mailing were sent off on December 31, just before both Greg and I went off to visit family over the last of the holidays. We're back now, so if you have any questions about the January mailing, please email me directly, as there's not always contact info on your comments here for me to respond to you that way. Thanks!

I'm also beginning to catch up on the rest of the BPS stuff, so if you've emailed me over the last couple of weeks, rest assured I'm not ignoring you — I've just been away! I'll respond as soon as I can.

P.S. Don't forget to check your spam folder if you don't see your January mailing address in your email inbox!


(pretty photo by girlhula, via beauty in everything)