Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Of Books and Deadlines

That sound you hear is the sound of deadlines whooshing by — specifically, the deadline I'd originally set myself for getting the BPS book completed. In an ideal world I would have taken 6 months off, retired to a little cabin by the sea, and spent my days diligently putting together the perfect book. Living in the real world, I've had to try and fit in working on it around my regular paying work (with its own tight deadlines) plus all the other stuff that life brings every day. Which means that though I'd hoped to have it ready for September, the reality is that it's just not going to happen. But it will happen — I promise. Thanks so much for your patience — I really do appreciate it.


(photo via dwellings)

1 comment:

Giulia said...

I believe you! It's so hard to fit in a project over & above a job & a blog like automatism. I'm sure the wait will be worth it.
